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Text File  |  1991-03-01  |  8KB  |  96 lines

  1. ╔═ Qedit Help ══════════════ for Turbo C ══════════════════════════════════════╗
  2. ║                                                                              ║
  3. ║ ┌ Block ─────────────┐ ┌ Files ─────────────────────┐ ┌ Windows ──────────┐  ║
  4. ║ │CopyOverBlock     @Z│ │change filename   @o, ^kf   │ │close window  ^oc  │  ║
  5. ║ │CopyBlock         @C│ │edit file         @e, ^ke   │ │grow window   ^og  │  ║
  6. ║ │DropAnchor        @A│ │exit              ^kd       │ │split window  ^oh  │  ║
  7. ║ │MarkBlockBegin    f7│ │file              ^kx       │ │next window   ^on  │  ║
  8. ║ │MarkBlockEnd      f8│ │global exit       @x        │ │one window    ^oo  │  ║
  9. ║ │MarkLine          @L│ │next file         @n, ^kn   │ │prev window   ^op  │  ║
  10. ║ │MoveBlock         @M│ │os                ---       │ │shrink window ^os  │  ║
  11. ║ │ReadBlock         @R│ │pquit             ^kq       │ │zoom window   ^oz  │  ║
  12. ║ │UnmarkBlock       @U│ │prev file         ^kp       │ └───────────────────┘  ║
  13. ║ │WriteBlock        @W│ │save file         ^ks       │                        ║
  14. ║ │MarkColumn        @K│ └────────────────────────────┘ ┌─Cursor ────────────┐ ║
  15. ║ │DeleteBlock       @G│                                │goto block beg  ^qb │ ║
  16. ║ └────────────────────┘       ┌ Search/Replace ─┐      │goto block end  ^qk │ ║
  17. ║                              │find         ^qf │      │top of file   ^PgUp │ ║
  18. ║ ┌ Edit ────────────────┐     │find replace ^qa │      │end of file   ^PgDn │ ║
  19. ║ │add line         f2   │     │match        @f3 │      │goto line        ^j │ ║
  20. ║ │DeleteBlock      @G   │     │repeat find  ^l  │      └────────────────────┘ ║
  21. ║ │DelLine          @D   │     └─────────────────┘                             ║
  22. ║ │del rt word      ^t   │                                                     ║
  23. ║ │DelToEol         F6   │ ┌─── Misc ─────────────────────────────────────────┐║
  24. ║ │dup line         f4   │ │ToggleBoxDraw  shift F1 Turns line drawing on/off.│║
  25. ║ │insert line      @f2  │ │ToggleBoxType  alt F1   Select sing/doub/etc lines│║
  26. ║ │join line        @j   │ │Literal        Ctrl P   ex: to place FF ^P^L      │║
  27. ║ │Literal          ^P   │ │Macro Record   Ctrl M   Turns macro record on/off.│║
  28. ║ │split line       @s,^n│ │GetPrev        Ctrl -   Copies char above cursor. │║
  29. ║ │undo cursorline  ^ql  │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘║
  30. ║ │unkill           ^u   │                                                     ║
  31. ║ │Lower (cnvrt to) @2   │                                                     ║
  32. ║ │Upper (cnvrt to) @1   │                                                     ║
  33. ║ └──────────────────────┘                                                     ║
  34. ║                                                                              ║
  35. ║     Function Keys (@ = Alt,  ^ = Ctrl,  $ = Shift)                           ║
  36. ║──────────────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────║
  37. ║ f1  - not defined - for quick macros │ ^f1  - EGA 43 line (toggle)           ║
  38. ║ f2  - add line                       │ ^f2  -                                ║
  39. ║ f3  -                                │ ^f3  -                                ║
  40. ║ f4  - dup line                       │ ^f4  -                                ║
  41. ║ f5  - make top of screen             │ ^f5  -                                ║
  42. ║ f6  - delete to end of line          │ ^f6  -                                ║
  43. ║ f7  - mark block begin               │ ^f7  -                                ║
  44. ║ f8  - mark block end                 │ ^f8  -                                ║
  45. ║ f9  - TLINK (to .EXE)                │ ^f9  -                                ║
  46. ║ f10 - TASM                           │ ^f10 -                                ║
  47. ║──────────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────║
  48. ║ @f1  - select line dwg (single/doub) │ $f1  - box draw (toggle)              ║
  49. ║ @f2  - insert line                   │ $f2  -                                ║
  50. ║ @f3  - match                         │ $f3  -                                ║
  51. ║ @f4  -                               │ $f4  -                                ║
  52. ║ @f5  - screen left                   │ $f5  - make center of screen          ║
  53. ║ @f6  - screen right                  │ $f6  -                                ║
  54. ║ @f7  -                               │ $f7  - shift left                     ║
  55. ║ @f8  -                               │ $f8  - shift right                    ║
  56. ║ @f9  - TLINK (to .COM)               │ $f9  -                                ║
  57. ║ @f10 - show entry screen             │ $f10 -                                ║
  58. ╠══════════════════════════════════════╧═══════════════════════════════════════╣
  59. ║ ┌──── printf format commands ─────┐ ┌──── colors ─────┐ ┌ bitwise operators ┐║
  60. ║ │ %c   A single character         │ │BLACK          0 │ │&   AND            │║
  61. ║ │ %d   Decimal                    │ │BLUE           1 │ │|   OR             │║
  62. ║ │ %i   Decimal                    │ │GREEN          2 │ │^   XOR            │║
  63. ║ │ %e   Scientific notation        │ │CYAN           3 │ │~   NOT            │║
  64. ║ │ %f   Decimal floating-point     │ │RED            4 │ │>>  Shift Right    │║
  65. ║ │ %g   Uses shorter of %e or %f   │ │MAGENTA        5 │ │<<  Shift Left     │║
  66. ║ │ %o   Octal                      │ │BROWN          6 │ └───────────────────┘║
  67. ║ │ %s   String of characters       │ │LIGHTGRAY      7 │                      ║
  68. ║ │ %u   Unsigned decimal           │ │DARKGRAY       8 │ ┌ arithmetic oper. ─┐║
  69. ║ │ %x   Hexadecimal                │ │LIGHTBLUE      9 │ │-  Subtraction     │║
  70. ║ │ %%   Prints a % sign            │ │LIGHTGREEN    10 │ │+  Addition        │║
  71. ║ │ %p   Displays a pointer         │ │LIGHTCYAN     11 │ │*  Multiplication  │║
  72. ║ │ %n   The associated argument    │ │LIGHTRED      12 │ │/  Division        │║
  73. ║ │      will be an integer pointer │ │LIGHTMAGENTA  13 │ │%  Modulo division │║
  74. ║ │      into which is placed the   │ │YELLOW        14 │ │-- Decrement       │║
  75. ║ │      number of characters writ- │ │WHITE         15 │ │++ Increment       │║
  76. ║ │      ten so far.                │ │BLINK        128 │ └───────────────────┘║
  77. ║ └─────────────────────────────────┘ └─────────────────┘                      ║
  78. ║                                                                              ║
  79. ║ ┌ relational operators ─┐ ┌ backslash codes ────┐                            ║
  80. ║ │>   Greater than       │ │\b  Backspace        │                            ║
  81. ║ │>=  Greater or equal   │ │\n  Newline          │                            ║
  82. ║ │<   Less than          │ │\r  Carriage return  │                            ║
  83. ║ │<=  Less or equal      │ │\t  Horizontal tab   │                            ║
  84. ║ │==  Equal              │ │\"  Double quote mark│                            ║
  85. ║ │!=  Not equal          │ │\'  Single quote mark│                            ║
  86. ║ └───────────────────────┘ │\0  Null             │                            ║
  87. ║                           │\\  Backslash        │                            ║
  88. ║ ┌ logical operators ────┐ │\v  Vertical tab     │                            ║
  89. ║ │&&  And                │ │\a  Alert            │                            ║
  90. ║ │||  Or                 │ │\o  Octal constant   │                            ║
  91. ║ │!   Not                │ │\x  Hex constant     │                            ║
  92. ║ └───────────────────────┘ └─────────────────────┘                            ║
  93. ║                                                                              ║
  94. ║                                                                              ║
  95. ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝